Course Content
Effective Delegation Training
About Lesson

After completing this course, participants will have learned to:

Topic 1

Getting Started

  • Icebreaker
  • Pre-Assignment Review
  • Workshop Objectives

Topic 2

Giving Instructions

  • Three Types of Instructions
  • Examples
  • Preparing Instructions

Topic 3

Why Delegate?

  • Advantages & Disadvantages
  • Delegation Do’s and Don’ts
  • Self-Assessment

Topic 4

Monitoring Delegation

  • Why Monitor Delegation?
  • Advantages of Monitoring Delegation
  • Methods to Monitor Delegation

Topic 5

What is Delegation?

  • Delegation Definitions
  • Levels of Delegation
  • Guidelines for Success
  • Lateral Delegation

Topic 6

Practicing Delegation

  • Your Role in Delegation
  • Employees’ Role in Delegation
  • When to Delegate
  • Whom to Delegate To
  • Delegating Authority
  • Monitoring Delegation
  • Managing Disappointments

Topic 7

Picking the Right Person

  • Demonstrated Based on Skill Level
  • Employee Motivation
  • Employee Workload
  • Matching of Skills & People

Topic 8

Giving Feedback

  • The Ingredients of Good Feedback
  • What Makes Feedback Effective
  • Case Studies

Topic 9

The Delegation Meeting

  • Clarity in Communication
  • Context & Relevance
  • Ensuring Understanding
  • Setting Performance Standards
  • Delegating Authority
  • Setting Support
  • Clarity in Expectations & Committment
  • Rewards & Recognition

Topic 10

Becoming a Good Delegator

  • Characteristics of Effective Delegators
  • Personal Action Plan
  • Recommended Readings