Managing Difficult Conversations Training
    About Lesson

    After completing this course, participants will have learned to:

    Topic 1

    Course Overview

    • Icebreaker
    • Housekeeping Items
    • Workshop Objectives

    Topic 2

    Choosing to Have the Conversation

    • Considering the Consequences
    • Establishing Your Frame of Reference
    • Establishing Positive Intent
    • Identifying the Desired Outcome

    Topic 3

    Toolkit for Successful Conversations

    • Managing Your Body Language
    • Speaking Persuasively
    • Active Listening
    • Asking Questions
    • Probing Techniques

    Topic 4

    Choosing the Time and Place

    • Finding a Neutral Meeting Place
    • Avoiding Temptations
    • Picking the Best Day and Time

    Topic 5

    Framework for Difficult Conversations

    • What’s Your Purpose?
    • Steps for a Difficult Conversation
    • Creating a Conversation Template

    Topic 6

    Staying Safe

    • Mutual Respect
    • Common Ground
    • Staying in Control
    • When To Walk Away

    Topic 7

    Testing the Waters

    • Role Play

    Topic 8

    Wrapping Up

    • Lessons Learned
    • Completion of Action Plans and Evaluations