Course Content
Measuring Results from Training
About Lesson

After completing this course, participants will have learned to:

Topic 1

Getting Started

  • Housekeeping Items
  • Pre-Assignment Review
  • Workshop Objectives
  • Action Plans 

Topic 2

Assessing Learning before Training

  • Workplace Observation
  • Objectives Assessment
  • Pre-Assignments and Pre-Tests

Topic 3

Kolb’s Learning Styles

  • The Four-Stage Process
  • Accommodators
  • Divergers
  • Convergers
  • Assimilators

Topic 4

Assessing Learning during Training

  • Reviewing Learning Objectives
  • Performing Hip-Pocket Assessments
  • Quizzes and Tests
  • Skill Assessments

Topic 5

Kirkpatrick’s Levels of Evaluation

  • Overview
  • Level One: Reactions
  • Level Two: Learning
  • Level Three: Behavior
  • Level Four: Results

Topic 6

Assessing Learning after Training

  • Evaluation Timelines
  • Learning Journal
  • Goal Setting
  • Additional Methods of Evaluation

Topic 7

Types of Measurement Tools

  • Goal Setting
  • Self-Evaluations
  • Peer Evaluations
  • Supervisor Evaluations
  • High-Level Evaluations

Topic 8

The Long Term View

  • Creating a Long Term Evaluation Plan
  • Methods of Evaluation
  • Documenting Lessons Learned

Topic 9

Focusing the Training

  • Performing a Needs Assessment
  • Creating Learning Objectives
  • Drilling Down Into Content

Topic 10

Calculating the Return on Investment (ROI)

  • A Basic ROI Formula
  • Identifying and Measuring Tangible Benefits
  • Identifying and Measuring Intangible Benefits
  • Calculating Total Costs
  • Making a Business Case

Topic 11

Creating an Evaluation Plan

  • What Will We Evaluate?
  • When Will the Evaluation be completed?
  • How Will We Evaluate It?
  • Who Will Perform the Evaluation?

Topic 12

Wrapping Up

  • Words from the Wise
  • Parking Lot
  • Action Plans