Course Content
Negotiation Skills Training
    About Lesson

    After completing this course, participants will have learned to:

    Topic 1

    The Who, When And How Of Negotiation

    • What we mean by negotiation
    • Negotiation Styles
    • Dominant Negotiating Strategies
    • Your Personal Style
    • Reflection

    Topic 2

    Preparing To Negotiate

    • Know your BATNA
    • The Zone of Possible Agreement (ZOPA)
    • The Importance of Authority
    • Reflection

    Topic 3

    Becoming A Principled Negotiator

    • Introductions
    • Separate people from the problem
    • Interests vs Positions
    • Mutual Gain – growing the pie
    • Objective criteria
    • Reflection

    Topic 4

    Bargaining and Closing

    • Distributive and Integrative Bargaining
    • Negotiation Tactics
    • Making Concessions
    • Agreement Finalization
    • Reflection

    Topic 5


    • Power in Negotiation
    • Integrity – The Ethics Test
    • Reflection

    Topic 6

    If We Can’t Meet Can We Still Negotiate?

    • Telephone Negotiation
    • Email Negotiation
    • Reflection

    Topic 7


    • Create an Action Plan
    • Accountability = Action