About Lesson
Module 1: Getting Started with Angular
- Introduction
- What is Angular?
- Architecture of Angular Apps
- Setting Up the Development Environment
- Your First Angular App
- Structure of Angular Projects
- Webpack
- Angular Version History
- Course Structure Overview
Module 2: TypeScript & Object-Oriented Programming Fundamentals
- Introduction to TypeScript
- What is TypeScript?
- Your First TypeScript Program
- Declaring Variables & Types
- Type Assertions
- Arrow Functions
- Interfaces, Classes, & Objects
- Constructors & Access Modifiers
- Access Modifiers in Constructor Parameters
- Modules & Properties
- Exercise: TypeScript Fundamentals
Module 3: Angular Fundamentals
- Introduction to Angular Concepts
- Building Blocks of Angular Apps
- Creating Components
- Creating Components Using Angular CLI
- Templates, Directives & Services
- Dependency Injection
- Generating Services with Angular CLI
Module 4: Displaying Data & Handling Events in Angular
- Introduction to Binding & Events
- Property Binding, Attribute Binding
- Adding Bootstrap
- Class Binding, Style Binding
- Event Binding & Event Filtering
- Template Variables & Two-Way Binding
- Using Pipes & Custom Pipes
Module 5: Building Reusable Components
- Introduction to Component API
- Input & Output Properties
- Aliasing Properties
- Passing Event Data & Aliasing Output Properties
- Templates, Styles, & View Encapsulation
- Using ngContent and ngContainer
Module 6: Directives
- Introduction to Directives
- ngIf, ngSwitchCase, ngFor
- ngFor with Change Detection & TrackBy
- ngClass & ngStyle
- Safe Traversal Operator
- Creating Custom Directives
Module 7: Template-Driven Forms
- Introduction to Forms
- Building a Basic Bootstrap Form
- Types of Forms
- ngModel & Validation
- Styling Invalid Fields & Cleaner Templates
- Working with Checkboxes, Dropdowns & Radio Buttons
Module 8: Reactive Forms
- Introduction to Reactive Forms
- Building Forms Programmatically
- Adding Validation & Custom Validation
- Async Validators & Operations
- Validating Upon Form Submission
- Nested FormGroups & FormArray
- Using FormBuilder
Module 9: Consuming HTTP Services
- Introduction to HTTP in Angular
- JSONPlaceholder API
- OnInit Interface & Separation of Concerns
- Handling Errors & Unexpected Errors
Module 10: Routing & Navigation in Angular
- Introduction to Routing
- Configuring Routes & RouterLink
- Accessing Route Parameters
- Why Route Parameters are Observables
- Subscribing to Multiple Observables
- Programmatic Navigation
Module 11: Deployment
- Preparing for Deployment
- JIT vs AOT Compilation
- Building Apps with Angular CLI
- Environments & Custom Environments
- Linting with Angular CLI
- Deploying to GitHub Pages, Firebase, Heroku
Module 12: Building Real-Time Apps with Firebase
- Introduction to Firebase
- Creating a Firebase Project
- Firebase Realtime Database
- Observables, Memory Leaks & Unsubscribing
- Async Pipe, CRUD Operations
Module 13: Angular Animations
- Introduction to Angular Animations
- Implementing fadeIn and fadeOut Animations
- Creating Reusable Animation Triggers
Module 14: Angular Material
- Introduction to Angular Material
- Installing Angular Material
- Components: Checkboxes, Radio Buttons, Selects, Inputs, Buttons, etc.
- Dialog Boxes & Passing Data
- Themes and Customizing Material Design Components
Module 15: Project Set Up & Deployment
- Creating a New Angular Project
- Installing Bootstrap and Navbar Component
- Defining Routes and Adding a Dropdown Menu
- Fixing Minor Issues & Deployment
Module 16: Project Authentication & Authorization
- Implementing Google Login
- Handling User Logout & Current User Display
- Protecting Routes and Redirecting Users
- Storing Users in Database & Defining Roles
- Protecting Admin Routes & Links
Project Modules:
- Project 1: Product Management
- Project 2: Product Catalog
- Project 3: Shopping Cart
- Project 4: Checkout Module
- Project 5: Modularization & Final Improvements
ASP.NET Core Modules
Module 1: Introduction to ASP.NET Core
- What is .NET Core?
- Introduction to ASP.NET Core
- How ASP.NET Core Applications Work
- Client-Side vs. Server-Side Development
- Setting Up Development Environment
- Project Structure in ASP.NET Core
Module 2: Designing ASP.NET Core MVC Application with Bootstrap
- Introduction to HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
- Using Bootstrap in ASP.NET Core
- Overview of Bower
- Lab: Designing MVC Application with Bootstrap
Module 3: Developing ASP.NET Core MVC Models
- Understanding Models in MVC
- Working with Entity Framework Core
- Database Migrations
- Lab: Developing MVC Core Models
Module 4: Developing ASP.NET Core MVC Controllers & Configuring Routes
- Writing Controllers & Actions
- Action Filters
- Configuring Routes
- Lab: Developing MVC Core Controllers
Module 5: Developing ASP.NET Core MVC Views
- Creating Views with Razor Syntax
- Reusing Code in Views
- HTML Tag Helpers
- Lab: Developing MVC Views
Module 6: Building HTTP-based Web Services with ASP.NET Web API
- Introduction to Web API
- Lab: Building HTTP Services with ASP.NET Web API
Module 7: ASP.NET Core Security
- Overview of Security in ASP.NET Core
- Introduction to Identity Core
- Implementing Authentication
- Lab: Implementing Identity Authentication
Module 8: Performance Optimization in ASP.NET Core
- Bundling and Minification of JavaScript & CSS
- Caching Techniques
- Lab: Improving Performance
Module 9: Deployment of ASP.NET Core Application
- Setting Up the Environment
- Deploying to IIS & Azure
- Lab: ASP.NET Core Application Deployment