Course Content
Mentoring Training
About Lesson

After completing this course, participants will have learned to:

Topic 1

What is Mentoring & Why it Matters

  • What Mentors do
  • The enabling Mentor
  • Mentoring today
  • What does mentoring look like?
  • The power of relationships in our lives
  • Mentors care beyond the work
  • A mentor goes above and beyond
  • Part summary

Topic 2

Navigating the Mentoring Relationship

  • Effective mentoring tools
  • Shifting context
  • Active listening
  • Naming feelings
  • Listening for motivation
  • Constructive confrontation
  • Information that has positive impact
  • Giving permission
  • Being genuinely curious
  • Part summary

Topic 3

Creating a Mentoring Relationship

  • Stages of development
  • Where to begin
  • The Mentoring Match
  • Determining Mentee expectations
  • Developing a partnership
  • Guiding principles
  • Creating a Mentor/Mentee Agreement
  • Two-Way Mentoring / Reverse Mentoring
  • Part summary

Topic 4

Fine Tuning & Transitioning the Mentoring Relationship

  • Fine Tuning and transitioning
  • Potential pitfall one: giving criticism
  • Potential pitfall two: giving advice
  • Potential Pitfall three: trying to rescue
  • Transitioning the relationship
  • Part summary

Topic 5

Maintaining a Mentoring Relationship

  • Adopting a change attitude
  • Managing change
  • Coping mechanisms
  • Mirroring
  • Validation
  • It’s rarely black or white
  • Progressive adaptation
  • Part summary

Topic 6


  • Course review
  • Planning engagement with the mentees
  • Post course assessment if required