Microsoft Outlook 2016 Introduction Training Course
About Lesson

After completing this course, participants will have learned to:

Topic 1

Getting Started with Outlook 2016

  • Navigate the Outlook Interface
  • Perform Basic E-mail Functions

Topic 2

Composing Messages

  • Create an E-mail Message
  • Check Spelling and Grammar
  • Format Message Content
  • Attach Files and Items
  • Enhance an E-mail Message
  • Manage Automatic Message Content

Topic 3

Reading and Responding to Messages

  • Customise Reading Options
  • Work with Attachments
  • Manage Your Message Responses

Topic 4

Managing Your Messages

  • Manage Messages Using Tags, Flags, and Other Commands
  • Organise Messages Using Folders

Topic 5

Managing Your Calendar

  • View the Calendar
  • Manage Appointments
  • Manage Meetings
  • Print Your Calendar

Topic 6

Managing Your Contacts

  • Create and Update Contacts
  • View and Organize Contacts

Topic 7

Working with Tasks and Notes

  • Create Tasks
  • Manage Tasks
  • Manage Notes

Topic 8

Customizing the Outlook Environment

  • Customize the Outlook Interface
  • Create and Manage Quick Steps