Course Content
Motivating Employees Training
About Lesson

After completing this course, participants will have learned to:

Topic 1

Getting Started

  • Workshop Objectives
  • Pre-Assignment Review

Topic 2

A Psychological Approach

  • Herzberg’s Theory of Motivation
  • Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
  • The Two Models of Motivation

Topic 3

Object-Oriented Theory

  • The Carrot
  • The Whip
  • The Plant

Topic 4

Using Reinforcement Theory

  • A History of Reinforcement Theory
  • Understanding the Three Factors
  • Using the Three Factors to Motivate in your Workplace

Topic 5

Using Expectancy Theory

  • A History of Expectancy Theory
  • Understanding the Three Factors
  • Using the Three Factors to Motivate in your Workplace

Topic 6

Personality’s Role in Motivation

  • Identifying your Personality Type
  • Identifying others’ Personality Type
  • Motivators by Personality Type

Topic 7

Setting Goals

  • Goals and Motivation
  • Setting SMART Goals
  • Evaluating and Adapting

Topic 8

A Personal Toolbox

  • Building your own Motivational Plan
  • Encouraging Growth and Development
  • Getting Others to see the Glass Half-Full

Topic 9

Motivation on the Job

  • The Key Factors
  • Creating a Motivational Organisation
  • Creating a Motivational Job

Topic 10

Addressing Specific Morale Issues

  • Dealing with Individual Morale Problems
  • Addressing Team Morale
  • What to do when the Whole Company is De-Motivated

Topic 11

Keeping Yourself Motivated

  • Identifying Personal Motivators
  • Maximising your Motivators
  • Evaluating and Adapting


Topic 12

Wrapping Up

  • Words from the Wise
  • Action Plans and Evaluations