About Lesson
Module 1: Accessing and Preparing Data
In this module you will learn about:
- Accessing data
- Data preparation
Module 2: Data Modeling and Exploration
In this module, you will:
- Explore the Power BI Desktop layout
- Use joins and visuals
- Create a formula to perform join of many to many
- Show result in visual
- Filter the visual to show top 5 manufactures by revenue
- Learn grouping
- Make a tree map and show filtering of other visuals
- Filter the page by group field
- Create a date hierarchy visual
- Edit interactions
- Add in a slicer
- Add a date table for calculations
- Make a quick hierarchy on other fields
- Add a matrix visual
- Calculate same period last year formula
Module 3: Data Visualization
In this module, you will:
- Use the conditional format for the matrix visual
- Change dropdown to slicer buttons
- Change the revenue by year chart to a combo line and clustered
- Make a gauge visual
- Try out themes
- Format country visual
- Practice page formatting
Module 4: Publishing
In this module, you will:
- Learn how to publish online
- Create a workspace online and publish to the workspace
- Pin visuals
- Ask a question on the dashboard
Module 5: Making an App
In this module, you will apply what you’ve learned to make an app.