The 10 Dimensions of Effective Leadership
About Lesson

After completing this course, participants will have learned to:

Topic 1

Your turn to lead

  • Welcome
  • What Shapes Leadership?
  • Your Right to Lead
  • What I Bring (REACH)
  • Reflection

Topic 2


  • Intensity and Passion
  • Intensity and Consistency
  • Setting SMART Goals
  • Reflection

Topic 3


  • Self Confidence, Self Esteem and Assertiveness
  • The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
  • Projecting Self Confidence
  • Reflection

Topic 4

Risk Tolerance

  • Risk and Failure
  • Courage as a skill
  • Reflection

Topic 5


  • The VUCA World
  • Learning Agility
  • Leading Change
  • Reflection

Topic 6

Decision making

  • A Problem Solving Model
  • Problem Perception
  • Problem Definition
  • Problem Analysis
  • Generating Solutions
  • Making a Decision
  • Reflection

Topic 7


  • Building Collaborative Teams
  • Influencing Others
  • Reflection

Topic 8


  • Social Awareness and Empathy
  • Empathy – an Invitation to Walk in Another’s Shoes
  • Influencing Others
  • Handling Emotions during Difficult Conversations
  • Reflection

Topic 9


  • Johari Window
  • Authentic Leadership
  • Reflection

Topic 10

Status Motivation

  • Motivation and Engagement
  • Recognition
  • Demotivation
  • Reflection

Topic 11

Self Protection

  • Trust
  • Critical Thinking
  • Reflection