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Mastering Python

Course Objectives

Create working Python scripts following best practices
Use python data types appropriately
Read and write files with both text and binary data
Search and replace text with regular expressions
Get familiar with the standard library and its work-saving modules
Use lesser-known but powerful Python data types
Create professional, “real-world” Python applications
Work with dates, times, and calendars
Know when to use collections such as lists, dictionaries, and sets
Understand Pythonic features such as comprehensions and iterators
Write robust code using exception handling

Course Outline

Course Outline
1. An Overview of Python

What is Python?
Python Timeline
Advantages/Disadvantages of Python
Getting help with pydoc

2. The Python Environment

Starting Python
Using the interpreter
Running a Python script
Python scripts on UNIX/Windows
Editors and IDEs

3. Getting Started

Using variables
Built-in functions
Converting among types
Writing to the screen
Command line parameters

4. Flow Control

About flow control
White space
Conditional expressions
Relational and Boolean operators
While loops
Alternate loop exits

5. Sequences

About sequences
Lists and list methods
Indexing and slicing
Iterating through a sequence
Sequence functions, keywords, and operators
List comprehensions
Generator Expressions
Nested sequences

6. Working with files

File overview
Opening a text file
Reading a text file
Writing to a text file
Reading and writing raw (binary) data
Converting binary data with struct

7. Dictionaries and Sets

About dictionaries
Creating dictionaries
Iterating through a dictionary
About sets
Creating sets
Working with sets

8. Functions

Defining functions
Global and local scope
Nested functions
Returning values

9. Sorting

The sorted() function
Alternate keys
Lambda functions
Sorting collections
Using operator.itemgetter()
Reverse sorting

10. Errors and Exception Handling

Syntax errors
Using try/catch/else/finally
Handling multiple exceptions
Ignoring exceptions

11. Modules and Packages

The import statement
Module search path
Creating modules
Using packages
Function and module aliases

12. Classes

About o-o programming
Defining classes
Instance data
Class methods and data

13. Regular Expressions

RE syntax overview
RE Objects
Searching and matching
Compilation flags
Groups and special groups
Replacing text
Splitting strings

14. The standard library

The sys module
Launching external programs
Math functions
Random numbers
The string module
Reading CSV data

15. Dates and times

Working with dates and times
Translating timestamps
Parsing dates from text
Formatting dates
Calendar data

16. Working with the file system paths, directories, and filenames

Checking for existence
Permissions and other file attributes
Walking directory trees
Creating filters with fileinput
Using shutil for file operations
17 – Advanced data handling
Defaultdict and Counter
Prettyprinting data structures
Compressed archives (zip, gzip, tar, etc.)
Persistent data

17. Network services

Grabbing web content
Sending email
Using SSH for remote access
Using FTP

18. Writing real-life applications

Parsing command-line options
Detecting the current platform
Trapping signals
Implementing logging
Python Timeline
Advantages/Disadvantages of Python
Getting help with pydoc


Sum the simple Operation :
15 + 8 =